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HOMEMADE LIVER-BREAD RECIPE by @nova_the_redmerle

Nova’s irresistible liver bread isn’t just a healthy treat. It is also a gesture of love and care for your Wild at Heart One, bringing you slobbery kisses and tail wags in return. Thank you, Nova, for this delightful recipe that certainly makes hearts melt, tails wag, and win the engagement of even the most untamed!”

by @nova_the_redmerle


500g chicken liver
2.5 cups flour
1 tablespoon virgin olive oil
1.5 cups water
1 egg


1.       Blend together chicken liver, olive oil, water and egg
2.       Place the flour in food mixer. Pour in the liquidised ingredients and mix in food mixer for about 2 minutes.
3.       You may need to add a little more water if consistency is too thick. It should be runny enough to “stand up” for a second.
4.       Line baking tray with baking paper and spread mixture evenly
5.       Bake at 180 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes
6.       Cut into block sizes that suit you and allow to cool. Freeze as needed.

Thank you Nova!  This is magic…..!

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